Ornella Cerniglia | L’attesa

As dark and intimate as it is lucid and vivid, “L’attesa” (Italian for ‘The Wait’) is pianist-composer Ornella Cerniglia‘s haunting solo debut.
“Cu’ va e cu’ veni” and “L’attesa” by Ornella Cerniglia
“Sinister Resonance” (1930) by Henry Cowell
“Una pastorale etnea” (1995) by Francesco Pennisi
piano: Ornella Cerniglia
synthesizer on track “L’attesa”: Giovanni Di Giandomenico
Album produced by Gianluca Cangemi & Luca Rinaudo
co-executive producer: Danilo Romancino

Recorded by Luca Rinaudo and Gianluca Cangemi at Zeit Studiio, Palermo (Italy). Synthesizer recorded by Giovanni Di Giandomenico at Marzahn Sessantunodue, Berlin, Germany
Mixed and mastered by Luca Rinaudo at Zeit Studio, Palermo (Italy)

Piano Tuner & Technician: Marcello Barranco

Art direction and design by Antonio Cusimano / 3112htm.com
special thanks to Dario Oliveri