Marcello Bonanno | Cycles
Al mondo che ho incontrato fino ad oggi. // To the World I have met till now. [M.B.]
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Music composed by Marcello Bonanno
Piano: Marcello Bonanno
Album produced by Gianluca Cangemi & Luca Rinaudo
co-executive producer: Danilo Romancino
Recorded by Gianluca Cangemi and Luca Rinaudo at Zeit Studio, Palermo (Italy)
Mixed and mastered by Luca Rinaudo at Zeit Studio, Palermo (Italy)
Piano Tuner & Technician: Marcello Barranco
Art direction and design by Antonio Cusimano /
Cover photo: Costantino Nivola, Figura femminile, Palazzo del Consiglio Regionale, Cagliari, 1985-1988 ©️ courtesy Fondazione Nivola 2016.
Photo by Simone Raspino – All rights reserved.
A sound, in the center of it all one single sound was materializing as a rocky form of seemingly limitless verticality. It was elliptically shaped, like a sort of obelisk, and its contour was changing, in constant motion, in such a way that I couldn’t begin to sense its final outline.
Coming from below the lightning-filled clouds, a transcendent sound was warping sideways: the Original Tone, the One. Its sides were distorting from the top downwards, proportionally but not simmetrically, and its shape, however consistent, was evolving constantly, firmly balanced on its axis and always centered there above my head.
As that Tone expanded from one side only, spreading out and interacting with other changing sounds, on the other side a change occurred too, in proportion to those interactions, so as to give birth to a third sound: the Combination Tone.
At times the Original Tone dematerialized, and yet the amorphous vastness of its gigantic shape kept on lingering steadily in my perceptions so that I could still clearly perceive the very idea of it.
At its feet, humankind started to gather: a swarming mob, wretched and lost. It didn’t take long before humans realized they could worship that One Idea, either chaotically or in a more organized way, in that they saw an opportunity both to behave as senselessly as they ever did and to commit any wicked actions in the name of its incommensurability.
And then, the Tone started to send roots towards the ground, and little by little they surrounded the trunk of the One until they became a part of it, eventually sinking deep into the soil, and that gigantic sound, made of lightning and granite, ended up becoming a living creature: immense, and silent.